Materials.When we say, “If it’s sheet metal, we can make it,” we mean it.For over 85 years, McArthur Sheet Metal has been building relationships with businesses and families all across the Midwest. Here is a list of just some of the materials we use:Stainless Steel Sheet Tread Plate Flat Bar Angle Round and Square Tubing Pipe Solid Bar Rigidized Perforated Expanded (Flat & Raised) Aluminum Sheet Tread Plate Flat Bar Angle Round and Square Tubing Pipe Solid Bar Hot/Cold Roll Sheet Tread Plate Flat Bar Angle Round and Square Tubing Pipe Solid Bar Perforated Expanded (Flat & Raised) Copper Sheet Flat Bar Solid Bar Galvanized Sheet Tread Plate Flat Bar Angle Round and Square Tubing Pipe Solid Bar Brass Sheet Flat Bar Solid Bar Let us be the ones who get the job done right!CLICK TO CALL